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Futurum Consultancy & Training


Crisis Management Training

Cyber-crime, natural disasters, terrorism, fraud, and other events that have not been anticipated can have a major social and economic impact on your organisation.

Their effects can be mitigated through forward planning, but it is essential plans are tested so that personnel are able to respond as envisaged. This is where Futurum will work with you to review and test your contingency planning and personnel training to achieve the optimum response.

In Asia, Futurum has partnered with Deloites to support crisis preparedness, while in Europe we have a unique programme for senior executives entitled Project Auxilium involving a series of workshops for personnel which includes crisis response and provision of emergency first aid where required. 

About our Crisis Management Training

Project Auxilium

A crisis management simulation exercise built around the scenario of a marauding terrorist attack (MTA) in a busy commercial centre. It is designed to replicate the stresses and complexities placed on senior executives and managers forced to respond to the emergency, enabling their decision-making skills to be tested in a safe learning environment.

Project Auxilium has been developed by experienced practitioners drawn from the UK military, police, counter-terrorism teams, and research academia. The programme runs over three days, incorporating a blend of practical exercises, presentations, and facilitated discussion. Delegates will be immersed in the scenario which includes experiential learning with a safe demonstration of live explosives and the use of firearms. Topics covered include:

Marauding Terrorist Attack

An introduction to MTAs through the presentation of case studies drawn from actual events and includes analysis and lessons identified from them.


Provides an understanding of the risk and terrorist attack methodologies.

First responders

Details an explanation of what to expect from the police, fire, and ambulance services and their MTA incident command procedures.

ACT MTA response

This session covers the National Counter-Terrorism Office (NaCTSO) advice and the actions companies can take to reduce the impact caused by MTA incidents.

MTA demonstration

A short terror attack demonstration followed by a walk-through of a narrated MTA response in the first 60 minutes.

The Psychological impact

Builds an understanding of how personnel may be affected and respond during the initial stages of an incident.

Critical Decision Making

This session introduces incident command methods, task appreciation, decision-making models NDM (National Decision Making Model), and OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act), biases, situational awareness, and technology.

How to avoid mistakes in a crisis

An introduction to common mistakes companies make during a crisis:

  • The no plan and no activation protocol
  • Untruths or attempting to cover up
  • Absence of media engagement 
  • Using spokespeople who are not trained or confident in their delivery
  • Lack of crisis or specialist consultancy support 
  • Allowing lawyers to dictate strategy
  • Ignoring, avoiding, or failing to acknowledge customers, investors, or stakeholders
  • Failing to document your actions and decisions

Exercise ‘GOLDEN HOUR‘ 

A syndicate session to discuss what action delegates would take during the first 60 minutes of an evolving incident, drawing on the learning from previous sessions.

Emergency Trauma Care

An emergency trauma presentation and demonstration of MTA medical kit.

Exercise ‘Moreton Marauder’

An immersive scenario designed to illustrate the effectiveness of situational awareness and the availability of emergency trauma equipment.

The Crisis Debrief

Illustrates the  importance of having a thorough and honest debrief and lessons learned process using the EDRA (Explore, Discover, Reflect, Adopt) structure:

  • Explore
    • What went right?
    • What went wrong?
  • Discover
    • Why we got this right?
    • Why we got this wrong?
  • Reflect
    • What would we do differently next time?
    • How could we improve?​​​​​​
  • Adopt
    • Good Practice.
    • Organisational Learning

Guest Speaker

After the evening meal on Day 2, an expert guest speaker will present a relevant case study

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