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Futurum Consultancy & Training


The Power of i2 Analyst Notebook to Support Complex Investigations

This is a short article discussing the benefits of using i2 Analyst Notebook in support of complex investigations with its ability to graphically represent connections from large data sets.

In the world of crime investigations and intelligence analysis, the ability to connect the dots and uncover hidden patterns is essential for solving complex investigations. To this end i2 Analyst Notebook is an essential part of the investigator’s toolkit, especially for major an complex investigations, including financial crime, money laundering and terrorist financing. i2 Analyst Notebook has revolutionised the way investigators organize and analyse data, providing a multitude of benefits in support of complex investigations.

1. Data Visualization: i2 Analyst Notebook offers a visually intuitive interface that allows investigators to graphically map out relationships, timelines, and connections among various entities, such as individuals, organizations, and events. This comprehensive visualisation not only makes complex data more accessible but also reveals crucial insights that might have remained hidden in traditional data spreadsheets.

2. Link Analysis: One of the standout features of i2 Analyst Notebook is its robust link analysis capabilities. By identifying and illustrating the links between entities, investigators can build a good understanding of criminal networks, financial transactions, or any other complex relationships critical to the investigation. This helps in uncovering potential suspects, collaborators, and the hierarchy within criminal organisations.

3. Pattern Recognition: Leveraging advanced algorithms, i2 Analyst Notebook helps investigators recognise patterns and trends within massive datasets. By identifying commonalities and anomalies, the software can highlight critical elements that might otherwise go unnoticed. 

4. Time-Saving and Efficiency: Investigating complex cases often involves sifting through enormous amounts of data from diverse sources. i2 Analyst Notebook streamlines this process, allowing investigators to import data from various formats and automatically generating visualisations. This significantly reduces the time spent on manual data entry and analysis, allowing investigators to focus on deciphering insights and making informed decisions.

5. Presentation-ready Reports: The software empowers investigators to create compelling reports and presentations. With clear visualisations and easy-to-understand graphics, investigators can communicate complex findings.

Futurum has supported clients globally in over 50 countries, helping them to maximise the potential of i2 Analyst Notebook through practical and scenario-based training programmes. We cater for new to role analysts through to those with more experience using the platform. We also offer complementary training in all aspects of crime and intelligence analysis, open-source intelligence, and strategic analysis. 

Posted on 30th Jul 2023