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Futurum Consultancy & Training


Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) – Your Friend and Enemy

Rachel Carson today hosted a successful webinar on the advantages and risks posed by OSINT.

Rachel discussed the critical role OSINT can play in effective business risk management, by helping companies make more informed decisions around potential threats, but also the way in which information obtained through open sources can be used by hackers other hostile actors to target individuals and organisations. Key takeaways:

  • The principles of OSINT
  • The types of freely available information out there on people and companies
  • The value OSINT brings to corporate decision making
  • How OSINT can be used against individuals and businesses by those with malicious intent 
  • Simple steps for defending and protecting against OSINT-enabled fraud and cyber-crime and protecting your digital ‘footprint’.

You can find out more about our OSINT Training programme and catch Rachel's introduction webinar in our training pages.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Training

Rachel Carson is Analytical Director of Futurum Consulting and Training, a global provider of investigation and risk management services. Her areas of expertise include intelligence analysis and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) - the use of specialist tradecraft to identify and analyse publicly available information to inform decisions and actions. Throughout her career, Rachel has used OSINT for a variety of purposes including criminal investigations and threat monitoring, commercial reputation management, due diligence, compliance and people and asset protection. 

In her current role with Futurum Consulting and Training, Rachel has delivered training and consultancy in more than 20 countries. She also volunteers as Vice President of Membership for the International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA). Rachel previously worked as a Principal Analyst within the UK police responsible for developing and implementing national crime analysis functions, before leading the Intelligence and Analysis team at Transport for London for eight years. 

We also have an exciting upcoming programme of more in-depth OSINT online training - keep an eye on our upcoming workshops.

Latest Workshops

Posted on 11th Nov 2020